Delegate Management

Delegate Management

This is our niche service which is offered to only a selected few. Right from planning the itineraries and arranging the meetings with not just the press but also high-level dignitaries, to airport pick-ups and drops, we take care of every minute detail.

Our expertise in risk and issue management, project management, handling senior stakeholders, ensuring product quality for presentation, and to lead and motivate the team, has made us effective in Delegate Management for many clients.

Our reputation as a Delegate Management Company was built on few strategies which help us to take care of even the minute of details.

  • Planning the itineraries- to help the delegate escort them from the airport to the desired destination requires planning the routes and analyzing the required inventories for them.
  • Arranging the meetings- meetings need to be held in an appropriate place, with the people who are involved in the project. Their treatment and impression is irreplaceable with any other task.
  • Pareto’s principle- we know how our 20 percent of our delegates do 80 percent of our jobs, and requires all necessary provisions to conduct the job they are supposed to do.
  • Delegate tracking-financial tracking and timesheet approval requires proper documentation, weekly report creation and newsletter creation, which for our delegate is important.
  • Project administrator engagement- dedicated project administrator with a centralised project management office for our delegates in a full time or part time basis will be provided.
  • Role delegation- test management, implementation management, analysis and planning of products, work streams and work packages to aid our delegates is important.
  • Availability checking- you need to understand that all delegates are working around the clock and require appointments to fulfill their duties designated to them.
  • Competence verification- all delegates should have the competence and experience to tackle the tasks and challenges related to the project involving their clients.
  • Commitment verification- commitment of delegates to the company and their clients need to be verified with contracts and schedules, in order to ensure their continuous participation.
  • Delegate selection- it is crucial to understand which delegate suits which specific project.

Principles of Flags communications Delegate management company Delhi

  • 1) Principle of result expected
  • 2) Principle of parity of authority and responsibility
  • 3) Principle of absoluteness of responsibility
  • 4) Principle of unity of command
  • 5) The scalar principle
  • 6) Principle of exception

Our Clients

We, at Flags PR, are proud of accomplishing strategic outcomes for our clients’ business expansion and sustenance. Our clientele comprises leaders from different industry sectors which include start-ups, business bigwigs, and Fortune 500 companies. We follow the same partnership methodology to the core of every commitment. We believe that we can attain success by building long-lasting connections with our clients. We admire their engagement and acknowledge the trust they have placed in us.

© 2022 Flags PR Agency


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